I recently got a Pebble 2 and really like it. Sad now that they got swallowed up.

And update successful. Everything seems to be working good so far. :-)

Updating my BlackBerry Passport to 10.3.3 this evening. Because I haven't messed up enough phones apparently.

Okay enough nonsense, back to my code or something…

related thought, perhaps I should start using QBatArray instead of QByteArray…

Fun with Qt…

connect(crime, SIGNAL(batman()), this, SLOT(arkham_asylum()));

I'm not sure I recognize it now. ?

Yeah cold induced foggy brain isn't helping me out much.

Okay got the SFOS dev environment sorted and functional again. Now to see what else I can muck up. :p

Oh good. Apparently I'm in a destructive mode today. I also managed to bork my Sailfish SDK install too by moving stuff around. :|