I'm suddenly in the mood to start building a desktop app. As if I don't have enough I want to work on already.

"Dear FULLNAME:You're receiving this because you're awesome and also because you've registered to receive our emails. Please take a minute to add our email to your address book, thus you can always receive our new trend." --- Uh yeah no. updates spam filter

Pizza beer pizza beer beer. Something like that.

pizza and beer time!

does this operation involve an open window, pully, and ropes?

Nope, from a jar. Child the younger needs to learn a bit more before the home made stuff happens. But we'll get there in do time.

oh oauth, you're so weird.

Amusing email for today comes from that data center team informing people that the Galaxy Note 7 is considered a forbidden hazardous material. And individual found in possession of such device will be escorted off the premise. Alright then.

Need to get through that whole pesky work thing today quickly so that I can get back to that client code I've been fiddling with all week.

#Coffee! If you're not shaking, you need another cup.