"Bash on Ubuntu on Windows". Lol
Good morning. Starting off my day by turning on the Windows subsystem for Linux on my laptop. Let's see what kind of chaos comes about.
Weekend almost here. Just one more work day to go. Hoping I'll have some time this weekend to work more on mobile code. These apps won't write themselves.
@larand There certainly is good food to be found in Bakersfield sure. Actually I'm rather found of a few basque restaurants. But on the whole that city doesn't suite me. Especially the extremely bad air.
// @skematica @literary @doctorlinguist
@larand I grew up in Bakersfield and I'm not fond of the central valley either. There is a reason I live in wine country now.
// @skematica @literary
@gtwilson oh wow MFM drive. I hadn't seen one of those in a very very long time.
// @phoneboy
@matigo Lol no the windows phone has been retired from my rotation. The all important keyboard shortcut proved too challenging with a vkb :p