I sense trouble. Checking.

Oh hey I see some familar names have made there way here. :)

Air show this weekend at the airport near my house. I've been listening to fighter jets flying over head all day yesterday and today.

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Remember when those days when it was possible to order something from Amazon with 2 day shipping and actually have it arrive in two days? Yeah that was nice. I miss those days.

Whew. Panic over. I managed to recover my work. Let's hear it for file history in IDEs. Back up time.

Funny how fast and efficient it can be at unlinking files.

It was one of those 'oh sh' moments the second I tapped the Enter key.

Pro tip. Do NOT perform a 'git reset --hard' before actually committing the files. Kinda messes up your day.

Agreed. It's amazingly bad.