@matigo Amazing isn't it. The sad part is that he's ill and needs my help by clicking on a link.
Going into the office today. Should be a good test run of my #SailfishOS Nexus 5. Bringing a backup phone though just in case.
Opened up work email and saw a message from "The Honorable Philip J. Fry". That's an amusing way to start the day.
@matigo I'll take that as nothing actually created beyond the api and associated in-progress documentation. I'll cleanup and share my code for others to leverage as it evolves. ?
@matigo is it safe to assume that there are no api libraries official or otherwise published yet for 10centuries? If not (or perhaps even if there is) I'm thinking I can cleanup and publish the Python and Javascript code I've been toying with.
@matigo Unless I don't want people to think it's cool… Which that makes it even cooler right?
Okay uncreative name selected, project created. Now I have to pause and prepare dinner for my family.
Okay I think I'll start banging out an actual client for 10C tonight. Just need to come up with a rather uncreative project name first. :-)