Just noticed the broken links in the notifications. I'll get that fixed shortly.

Beer. Damn auto carrot

The h is very important in beef. ? ?


drinking a tricerahops  by #ninkasibrewing on untappd http://untappd.com/c/443115953

Okay done with work. Time to go get beer and stuff to make pizza. 

Err. Somehow I managed to get the next few weekends booked up with stuff. I may have to get creative about how I get my code hacking time in.

Wohoo! Managed to block out my morning schedule so that I can get a little dedicated time to code. Now to make the most of it.

I have a long way to go before I reach that point. But I do enjoy a nice wine. Comes with living in wine country.

Rather than beer this evenings beverage of choice will be a 2012 Merlot

Trying to decide if I should make coffee of tea right now. ?