I was in Dublin last year on St Patrick's day and it was pretty much a party downtown, mostly drinking, and that's about it. We headed away when things got rowdy.


I like the idea. Much better than just open free sign ups. Should hopefully keep the spammers away.

nice recommendation. good stuff.

yeah it's pretty much the flood of ADN refugees. I think the dynamic will change again after a little while and the regulars settle in.


funny how the crowd grows the dynamic changes.

yeah looks absolutely dreadful. :p

This Android phone (Galaxy J7) has been serving me reasonably so far. But it's starting to feel laggy and it's missing a few features. I'm getting a bit anxious to know if the new BlackBerry will be what I need or if I should start looking at others.

Done with my asia meeting. Now let's see if I can kick my brain back into gear.

Brain isn't cooperating. So I think I'll zone out a little more, make dinner, do my late meeting, then perhaps get back to the codes. 

I wonder how much code I can cram into the next couple of days.