It's a bit disturbing the amount of heat my work laptop puts out these days. I wonder how long until it completely cooks itself to death.
@literary I see some overlap of text with the avatar but only with chrome on just one Android device. Other device / browsers including vivaldi seem normal.
// @matigo
Venturing into Concord again today for an OS upgrade of my work laptop. So I get to drive almost 2 hours this morning for the privilege of not being productive for several more hours.
That's weird, I didn't get a notification for a couple of mentions yesterday. Anyone else not getting notified via BlurbyBot?
Cat is super annoyed that I've closed her out of my office so she can't harass me directly to feed her dinner early.
The Skype monkeys broke Skype again. Guess that means I'm done with work now. :p
That moment when you acknowledge that a stupid game on your phone is sucking way too much time and must be uninstalled in order to get things done.
@larand That's weird, looks fine to me in Cappuccino. is the image url.