Looks like 10c rejected the credentials. You might double check them and try again. I really should fix that error.


Happy Monday! Just had some inspiration for fun little bits of code to write but alas I’m at work and have loads of other things to work on this week. Will have to take some notes and hope to get to when when time allows.

Yeah I’m looking forward to that one. Exciting to think of the possibilities with it.


It really sucks that BlackBerry has to go Android in order to survive. I miss having a phone with a good physical keyboard but I just can’t bring myself to use Google Android any more. My dream is to have a BB type of device, something like the BlackBerry Bold, but running completely FOSS software.

SQL is so weird.

I most likley have other parsing errors mixed in as well which is why I intend to do the full rewrite. But alas work is taking priority at the moment.



my parsing of the command is apparently rather picky, there was a leading space in front of your email address it didn't like. I'll add that to my list of things to fix but in the meantime if you want to try it again with the exact spacing it should work.



hmm…. okay digging deeper



Okay I think I've fixed up my bad error handling with more bad error handling. The telegram bot should be working properly again. Please let me know otherwise.
