Doh! BlurbyBot Telegram is offline for the moment because of bugs. I’ll try to get it back online this afternoon. Sorry about that folks.

Are other blurbybot users get duplicate notifications?

BlurbyBot got a quick and dirty fix to support v5. Use /login with your email and password to get it working again. I need to update the command set still.


I suppose it could be worse but its tools I've been given to use. Fortunately my personal development space isn't so restrictive.


Its work so no GitHub for me. Jira and subversion is the dance at the moment.

code code code. verify. commit. re-test. close current issue. open next issue. code code code…

I seem to be letting the internet distract me from the backlog of work I have waiting. I really should put the phone down and get to it.

I'm starting to really dislike that screen

No picnic just a nice stroll and a bit of bird watching.

Such a nice day today my wife and I went for a walk in one of the regional parks nearby. Great way to get out into nature and mentally reset a bit.